Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Come to think of it...

where are all the virtuous, investigative so-called "reporters" who should be investigating groups like ACORN? The allegations appear credible and are geographically diverse among several states. In fact, many states attorneys have ongoing investigations already underway and some have even won convictions against a few of its chapters and affiliates. Yet, media elites have suddenly, but predictably, lost all interest in covering such stories. One can only imagine the never-ending media coverage we would be subjected to if ACORN were affiliated with republican groups. There would no doubt be hysterical calls for congressional inquiries, special prosecutors and the like from these media elites. But strangely, we are hearing none of this nonsense today. Media elites must have invoked their favorite yet unmistakable double standard rule here. So where's the outrage? What's that adorable phrase..........."if you're not outraged, you're not paying attention?".

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