Saturday, February 7, 2009


especially since they are the lucky ones who will be paying for this so-called "stimulus package" for the rest of their lives. Liberal politicians just couldn't help themselves. Rather than craft a truly stimulative spending bill, they indulged themselves in a horrific spending orgy for their special interests which they know wouldn't attract any bipartisan support whatsoever. So the notion that committed liberals want bipartisanship is intellectually dishonest, and anyone who believes otherwise can't be taken seriously.

If liberal politicians really believe in the inherent virtue of high taxes,
they ought to at least get around to paying theirs. Why is it that the most committed liberals never forget to pass legislation requiring ever higher taxes, but always seem to "forget" to pay these taxes? The answer to this question is both simple and revealing. The only inherent virtue of high taxes lies in the payment of such taxes by everyone except them. This is profoundly brilliant. But isn't this also the very essence of the now universally discredited form of government known as socialism? This liberal brand of hypocrisy is the single most disgusting and grotesque example of man's utter depravity. In fact, its
just another of the many examples of the complete moral and ethical bankruptcy of committed liberals. And its why their belief system is a lethal, rotting cancer on both our fundamental freedoms and the future, the very existence even, of our Republic.

The Truth? Committed liberals actually think that their belief system transcends America. That it's morally superior and more universal than what America stands for. And they are willing to sacrifice America in their pursuit of, and their imposition of, this belief system on the rest of us. The good news is that just like socialism repeatedly proves itself to be a chronic and miserable failure in the long run, so too will the bankrupt belief system championed by committed liberals. And they know it, too, which is perhaps the single greatest fraud perpetrated on mankind since the beginning of the twentieth century.

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